Sunday, December 4, 2011

That Time I had a Dream About Being a Mass Murderer

HI I'M BACK............ Yeah. Artist: Nomiya
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhh... Hi :(. Nothing to be excited about, just one of these sad blog posts where I talk about being sad and my sad school life and tragic stories. Enough of that today though! I have another funny dream to talk about. That is, if your definition of "funny" means me shooting 7+ people and being in a gang. I don't even know.
I'm not sure what I was doing/where I was, but I'm guessing I was in a gang or something, and 2 other people and I were lying down on a patch of ground. SUDDENLY! 10+ people or so appear. Good thing I have some large gun on me and I shoot 3 people. I remember that part well :). I guess this sort of goes on and one of my comrades and I search a mall near closing time (it's around 8PM in my dream) with the suspicion that the ringleader of this gang we're fighting is hiding inside. I'm running around like a madman holding my gun, so obviously no one is screaming or pointing or police are coming my way (**I'm not being sarcastic**). I swear I was in aberdeen center LOLOLO. <PHOTO FOR REFERENCE HERE>

After a while, we realize that he must've left earlier or maybe we just gave up because we got lazy and hungry :<. The rest is jumbled up. I remember telling my mom that I killed several people and started crying. "This is what a murderer feels like", I thought (INMYDREAM). I also remember hanging out with a bunch of my friends and telling Kirsty that I killed a whole bunch'a people. (Hey Kirsty are you reading this? If I ever kill anyone I'll tell you first, ok?). My mom told me to turn myself in but the police hadn't found me yet so I didn't want to. Damn. Even in my dreams, I'm so irresponsible. I don't remember the rest, but this is the first time I've dreamt of mass murder. Hah... Hah.. STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT >:(. My narrative skills ruin my fantastic dream, so I'm sorry. To make up for it, I drew you a Christmas comic.
Ahaha! Think I drew this for you? Well.. (//'u'//).
I didn't think this one as as funny as the last. Or was it? Was it? I don't know. This took me an unreasonably long time even though the colouring is still bad and in black & white. :(. I tried my best.
Nothing else special this week, don't expect me to blog until school's out yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!... (JK I'll be back next week).



1 comment:

  1. I'll arrest you, as always, see you tomorrow.
