Hi everyone longtime no seeeee. Artist: Cola |
In other news I interviewed my PE teacher about the provincial teacher job action. Hoping that I can use it for newspaper article/ actually write because I have never actually contributed to the club aside from attending meetings and being everyone's... "cheerleader"? My PE teacher was really happy to be interviewed. DAMN I WANT TO BE INTERVIEWED TOO. He said some quotable stuff but too bad I wrote so messy that I won't be able to use the notes I wrote ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha. I should've planned better for questions rather than just stand awkwardly and make the :O face while saying "IZZAT SO? :O". NOW IF YOU EXCUSE ME I HAVE IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO.
CYU :<.
I had the same feeling with Candy, also GOOD LUCK ON THE ARTICLE! It's has a lot of potential, as always see you tomorrow.