Monday, August 8, 2011

Summer Reboot

Beautiful picture that I has been scaled down to fit my tiny blog space :(... Artist: Cola (Gotouryouta)
Before I start deciding when to become nocturnal (dapner's influence ;( ) I should put some restraint on my... "summer life" and re-set that ridiculous goal that I tried last year around this time. 
(sorry they cut my budgets this month so you'll just have to imagine the explosions)

So I was taking a stroll down nostalgia lane and ended up reading a whole bunch'a my posts. It was surprisingly entertaining!! Those lame daily posts I wrote out of free-time and boredom actually turned out to be something I could look back and laugh at.. sorta? Lol. So I guess this is my second shot at the impossible goal. No guarantees that it will go on past second term of school but chronicling my life is a fun idea~ Now should I start at where I've been this past month? Since my last post was a summary of the end of school and an incessant ramble/jumble/mumble and it's August and all that..............Alright then::~~~:::~GO~ (LOLWUT?)

Do you like the doily/frilly frame? I figured that you could change those in the options today lol.. It's so cute :3.

POKEMON. Pokemon has been eating my soul (very pleasantly, though). It is the reason for my lack of exercise, socializing, and so many more (but in an enjoyable way). Most importantly, I LOVE IT. POKEMON IS THAT..IT'S THAT THING!! To me, Pokemon has become that thing that everyone talks about that you claim to know and think is cool until you actually find out what it is and the experience is mind blowing and nothing else is impor... Making myself sound like a maniac right now. 
All this is quite true.. But I've been doing other stuff too!! And the fact that I've stopped playing for the past 3-5 hours and have started blogging means that I'm, well, getting "STUFF" done.
<Empty void because I have nothing else to say about my summer "activity" and here's some pokemon fanart>
Artist: Nappa Hato

I have lots of things to say but I'll leave that for tomorrow or another day's post.. Since my biggest fear in blogging is running out of things to say... Which actually happens very often :(. So I'll try to fix that? And gouge out all the interesting things or just collect bits of my day for blog posts.
This is the harsh path called "blogging". Maybe I'll start bringing a camera with me everywhere and write down ideas for my daily posts.................... Probably not. (I'm not the kind of person with that kind of dedication).
This has been my re-emerging into the "BLOG LIFE" and my incoherent ramblings will be continued for tomorrow.
Artist: Naba

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