Saturday, July 16, 2011

Post-Dump: Chain-talk

Cat city? :) Nice colours. Artist: Kudamono790
Woke up with a desire to blog. Juuuuuuuust kidding~ It's only 7PM but everyone in my family has decided to take a prolonged nap. I posted before summer break and now once summer break I got lazy and just went with the fun hah :D. Now what's next? In a month or so I'll be halfway through highschool.. How do I feel about that? Not much. I don't feel very pressured to work too much harder or take more challenging courses...IS THAT BAD? I'm doin' alright and what's on my mind after that is the newspaper club. I talked about it before. Our leader's leaving and we have..5 official members including me? We decided to release an issue in Sept? This means I have to contribute? Should I write? My writing skills have deteriorated since school ended, not as badly as my socializing skills though ;_;. After all, I'm the world's laziest student. This reminds me about my mom sending me an email entitled "7 Ways to Stop Procrastinated" which I decided to push aside and read later. I have nothing else to say about school.
Aside from all that school-crap-shit, everyday I seem to realize how much bigger the universe is than I thought. I think this is a wonderful feeling. Although we all like to think we are unique, we probably aren't, but the fact that there are 6+ billion people in the world gives so much room for possibilities, it's interesting. I think I realized this back in November or so, there was the district jazz concert in my area and as all I watched all the students performed and how.. they probably did the exact thing as I did in school. Why didn't I think of this earlier? I really don't know. I thought I knew I guess.....................?
Haven't posted otherwise because I have nothing else to say. If you're looking for my opinion in something everyone else is talking about chances are someone has spoken it better than I would. 
This blog is an accumulation of my thoughts and boring ideas no one would like to read about :(. I'll think of something to post next, maybe I'll put it as a newspaper article.
Here's your reward to going through my ramblings. Pinata Alpacas :) Reference.

Too lazy to edit my silly writing. Seee you guys..soon.

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