Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nostalgia's Way

Here's some sunset picture since it's the end of the day. Artist: Mifumoto

I originally wanted to talk about time travel and stuff like that, but I figured it would take research and fuckin' hell no am I going to spend more time researching on stuff like this. 
Sorry for misleading you.
Just to continue with my post about Burning Qu'ran's and Terry Jones. I read an article about students from Iran threatening to kill Terry Jones. I SUSPECT THEY'LL CHOOSE TO KILL HIM WITH FIRE.
I'm wondering how I can spice my blog up. Sometimes I think when I say the things I write, it makes them a lot more interesting. But I don't think vlogs would do that well either. I don't know where I'm leading my blog anymore. Not sure how many misleading blogs I'm going to write either.
Sometimes I just like to tune out of everything and think about what the fuck am I exactly doing. Why am I trying? Why aren't I trying? Why is everyone trying? Why am I at school?
I don't always find a good answer but if not, I'll make an excuse for myself.
I have officially begun about nothing and will end in nothing. I don't even want to talk about school anymore. There is nothing to talk about. I'm starting to wonder if I thought I would have anything to write about when I took Daphne's daily blog challenge.
My blog post isn't going anywhere today and I have no picture compilation to show you. Oh. Wait a bit..
I'd like to talk about my evolution as the Christa I am today, and my past music taste.
Lol, this is a weird topic because I didn't think about it until I heard that Julian Casablancas from The Strokes released a solo album today. I'm very late, I know. But I remember the old days when my favourite artists were: The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys, Bloc Party, and.. Feist (Vampire Weekend later too, I think). I don't know, I used to like rap a lot too. This was all in grade 6. Grade 6 was a weird year for me, I liked to act very mature and had a cool taste in music and I liked to be "outgoing" and hang out with people which were usually my older grade fr..iends? I don't know anymore. There was also a time when I really liked Elliot Smith and this folk singer.. I forgot his name. I went through bands like um, those plastic bags you use for garbage storage -cough-. I still listen to The Strokes and Arctic Monkeys' old stuff now and then, but it's rare and I don't think of them much. Seems like this turned out to be quite a long post. I'll end this with one of my favourite songs by Arctic Monkeys because their music gives me a nice nostalgic feeling and Alex Turner's voice is so cool.

Goodnight, world!

Well, this was a nice trip down nostalgia. I don't regret anything and I'm continuing to move on. And since live is always cooler (DOES NOT ALWAYS APPLY TO POP BANDS), here is the live version of "Fluorescent Adolescence". The reason why I don't listen to them often anymore is because their newest album and single SUCKED ):. They changed quite a bit media has caught onto them.

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