Friday, October 14, 2011

Mystical Journeys of Being Sick

It's good to be back.. :3 Artist: Kashi Takahisa
Having a sick day today. It's one of those days when you wake up and know that if you go to school you're going to regret it and feel like shit by complaining all day. That, or end up vomiting in the school sink and clogging it up. So yes, I made the right decision today. It's also on these kinda days where you find out all the things you missed out on. When you're cooped up at home you don't really know what's going on in the outside world. This probably just applies to me because being sick at home= watching food channel and sleeping. But missing out or not, the world can go on without you, it'll run the same way that it would usually, just without you being in it. We live in a pretty efficient world afterall :).
This brings up a recent story about being sick in school. Please keep in mind that this isn't the first time this has happened ahahaaaaaa.
It was a Tuesday. I was feeling pretty sick most of the day. Then by afternoon-time I got really cold and was wearing my outside jacket. Time-skip to last block. We were doing a math test (that I'm sure I failed :c) when I started feeling really dizzy and hot. At this point I realized that if I didn't get out of class now, I'd end up puking all over the table. SMART CHOICE! I told the teacher that I was going to the office to sign out. I remember that she asked me if I could make it to the office and I said yes... but just how sure was I? :( I started walking down the "GREAT HALL" area and this is when I started hallucinating. This has happened before so I could actually point out the fact that I was hallucinating. And it's not like that LSD trip thing that you're thinking of. You know when you rub your eyes really hard and everything turns light-ish white coloured and gets distorted? That was how I saw everything. Except no matter how hard I rubbed my eyes or closed them it didn't get better.. Well I made it to the office without dying and gave myself a high-five (no, not really). The office lady said that she would call my parents to see if I could get a ride. Things got weird again around here. I was breathing really hard (like a pregnant lady) and then I started hearing "dust" in my head. That is my best description of it. It wasn't like high frequencies or white noise, but it felt like there was some dust moving around in my brain. I questioned myself, "Is this how I'm going to die?" Hahahaha of course :D! I asked the office lady if I could use the bathroom. She replied "Can you make it to the other one?" I SHOOK MY HEAD FURIOUSLY. This is where it gets LEGIT. I walked over to the office bathroom and sat on the toilet. Still felt disoriented and shit and then I instinctively turned to my left. ADJFGIAEJRGAKDFGJajdkfgjaieogkadfjgiaerg. Vomited in the sink. And just when you think it's over, BAM! THE SECOND COMING. Barfing is weird because it's unexpected but your body knows that it's coming. I felt really bad for clogging up the sink so I turned on the tap to make it worse. Don't question a sick person, their brain is already fried up enough. I apologized to the office lady but she said it was ok so everything was good. It was a hard day in my life and I had survived it, I closed my eyes and my soul rested, finally at peace.
Naw, I didn't die :9~! I have to live to tell this story to my grandchildren when they go into highschool. Because everyone needs to collect all their stupid stories to tell everyone in the future. THAT IS LIFE! It is 6:39PM right now and sitting up to use the computer is really tiring so I'm going to lay back down and play DS. Goodnight/evening everyone. I shall see you.. soon?
If anyone (literally one, the one person who reads this blog ;_;) is wondering, I finished the news article and handed it in. Today is supposed to be printing and folding so I can only hope that more than 3 people went out to help. First issue comes out on Monday YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY~



  1. Poor Christa, WELL YOU AIN'T ME. LET US BATTLE! I was Hot and Cold, muscle pains, migraines, milk-run (Oh god...), double puke. Ended up being knocked out the rest of the day. But it's kay now, I'm glad you're fine as well, and as always, see you someday...

  2. You should start a blog, yes? :D

  3. Glad to see you feel better Christa! Even though Im a bit must've been hard for you.

  4. Btw, Mama's blog is now
