Wednesday, September 7, 2011

School Class Heroes

Itzatree! Artist: Koyori
She sighed and wiped the sweat off her forehead. "I'm glad that's over!" Little did she know that she would face these unfortunate ordeals for 10 more months.

A teacher's thoughts?!? Going to school after 2 months feels wrong but right. Wrong because  2 months is enough for one person to forget what they are used to. Right because we all know that we should be here and that it is an unavoidable situation.

The Band Apart- amplified my sign
Shuffle music. Engrish. I always talk about this band :).

Now that I think about it, a student's life is tough eh? Come home around 4-5, do homework, chores, eat, shower. And we still surprisingly have time for hobbies. I'm amazing. Then you have to pack lunch and think about tomorrow, sometimes have a part-time job inserted somewhere in this day. This is why daily blogging is almost impossible for more than 2 months. Maybe I'll do better than I did last year. It'll be a productive year.

Insert a computer in there and I'll work 30 times faster. If I were just looking at this, I wouldn't notice that there was a binder full of paper at the bottom. I don't know, guys, I don't know :c.
I'll work hard for this year too
I'll try my best, really.

Cyu tmr.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you succeed and as always, see you tomorrow.
