Monday, September 5, 2011

100 is a Big Number

Picture of me blogging. In the sky because I like that cloud shit.
Today marks my...........
100th post!

Yay! Everyone thank you for always commenting, liking, and subscribing. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have made it this far... Is what I would say if my reading audience wasn't less than 10 5 people and I did this for a reason. This doesn't have to do with anyone other than me actually so... Good job! Christa, you did well. 100 posts is a lot of hard work, please keep doing your best. Thanks, Christa. *;_;*

Since I was a kid, the number 100 was always something I looked for. When you like something you always look for the opportunity to spot it right? One hundred was always my goal. I wanted to jump rope one hundred times, I wanted to collect one hundred pennies, watch one hundred movies, fold one hundred cranes, have one hundred friends, get 100 on my next test. I just wanted to see the number 100 in front of me. With years the number seemed to shrink, one hundred didn't seem like something so big anymore. 100 had sunk in the sea like a forgotten anchor, but now it had resurfaced from the cloudy oceans. One hundred was right in front of me. I had been working at the elderly home in my free time without ever thinking I would meet someone who reached 100 years old. She was a kind lady with lots of patience. Work didn't even seem like work when I spoke to her. I always spoke to her like an interviewer on a first job, bursting at the seams with questions and enthusiasm. "One hundred is a big number after all, right?" How did she feel about seeing war and conflict? What about the technological advances in this century? Did she have great-great grandchildren? It must have been painful to see everyone leave the world ahead of her. The stress, burden, anxiety, and heartaches. A number was nothing compared to her experiences. Was one hundred really an enjoyable number? In reply, she turned my way. Just smiling. 

I didn't want to write a story either, but I don't know what else I could've incorporated 100 into... Imagine if I my post was 100 characters long or I wrote a story using the word "one hundred" 100 times. Has anyone ever folded 100 cranes? I think it's 1000 that is meant to do something though. <RANDOM>I have this clear piggy bank in my closet that's half filled with paper stars. I was trying to fill it up in elementary school but gave up because I ran out of paper (~world's least motivated human~).</RANDOM>
100 used to be THE SHIT. And then I realized there were bigger numbers like a million or googol. (Infinity  ?) When I was in grade 1 or so and started learning small multiplication I remember asking this girl was 10x10 was. I don't remember if she gave the right answer but it was a number out of my thought-range and I thought she was the smartest person in the world. Was I a dumb kid..?I'm done for today so thanks for reading and I'll keep writing until... the next milestone lol.

"Depend on Setouchi Natsu"..?? My bad translation? Lol. Artist: Inumaru

1 comment:

  1. Cheers, congratulations Christa! I guess we've both reached our hundredth milestone. I should celebrate this, and as always, see you tomorrow.
