Monday, September 27, 2010

Christ..Um, how do You Spell That?

Here's a nice GIGANTIC...peaceful picture :). Artist: Fo~do
Today started out bad so I'm going to post a song up to cheer myself and anyone else feeling upset today.
Today's song is.... ALTERNATIVE

The song is called "Make it Glow" and the band is UNCHAIN. I say alternative but I'd like to tie this with rock and indie as well. This song makes me happy. Sets a nice light mood. If I wanted to share anything else I'd put up some more of the band apart but I don't feel like it today :P. I talked about this band briefly before.. It's very similar to the band apart or He and for the others that I don't know much about there is this page!

Yeah, I added a chatbox to the side of my blog because my blog seemed a little..dead. Like very inactive. But you can't have an active blog with no people, so hopefully I can at least increase the activity going around here with whoever's already reading.
I just came back from eating some all-you-can-eat japanese bbq and I haven't eaten this much since the last supper. Anyone that has read the bible is going to scold me now for being incorrect. And anyone who believes in Christ is going to shoot me.. This is a joke guys, but it's a good time to explain my nicknames :).

Here's a topic that I have conjured while writing haha!
What are nicknames? In a technical sense, nicknames are labels of OWNERSHIP. Have you seen someone (or perhaps that one is you) get angry when another person uses the nickname you've appointed to a certain someone? It's because that's the name they (or you) use to own people: This nickname makes you my property, no one else can has it. <insert lolcat picture of a cat protectively holding cheeseburger> 

My name isn't constantly played with lol. But everyone likes to make nicknames when they're bored so I have my own share as well. So far, the lamest nickname I've gotten was Chris. Then there are weird one's like Jesus (which is why I'll make more Jesus jokes in the future) and Gayest Urchin. I'ma explain those ones because they are important..Sort of.And  all nicknames that aren't used enough will be forgotten so no one calls me Gayest Urchin anymore :P.
When I first entered highschool a lot of teachers and people in general would ask me how my name was spelled. Rather than spelling it out like a regular person I'd be all clever and respond with something all people should understand. "Um.. Christ with an A". Some people thought it was funny so they'd giggle (or chuckle..). THEN, there was that one time I remember when I had a French project with this guy in my class. I didn't expect this to happen. EVER. And It's something I'll remember all my life. *Anyone who knows me well has probably heard this more than 3 times. He asked what my name was.. Alright, we've been in the same class all year, but I don't blame him. So I replied with "Christ with an A". TO MY ABSOLUTE SURPRISE HE SAID "..Um.. How do you spell Christ?" DEAR LORD JEZUZ GOD DAMMIT!!!!!!!! -FACEPALM-
 At the time all I could do was politely spell out Christ. For some reason, I just couldn't laugh at the time. Probably because it was more of a "Lol dude, u srs?" moment than a "LOL U FAIL" moment.
Back to the point, Christ relates to Jesus. And someone heard me spell it that way and started calling me "Jesus-A". Then Kirsty went to California Disneyland later that year and bought me a keychain that said Jesus. It was on my backpack for a long time too lol.
The next nickname, "Gayest Urchin", comes from a joke between Daphne and I. If you rearrange all the letters in my name, TADAH! You get Gayest Urchin. Pretty amazing coincidence :D~ The last one I take a sort of pride in was made by Kirsty. This one was made from my nickname which would make.. "YEUNG MONEY". There you have it, my rapper name (Young Chris lolll).
This concludes my nickname introduction :D! Goodnight world!
Here's another art piece by the same guy! I love the colours~~ Artist: Fo~do

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