Friday, September 3, 2010

The Beginning

The beginning.
There is a start to everything. In this case, my blog. Now I'm going to quit trying to sound cool in my intro post and actually get somewhere.

This is my intro post.
Basically I should introduce myself and explain why I'm here and what exactly I am doing.
I started this blog as a challenge to myself and my friend Daphne where we will post every day that includes real context and a picture (if you know my last blog, it only had pictures rofl). I guess this is a big challenge to both of us, and we wanted to give it a shot.

Now about me.. I'm a female highschool student going into grade 9 next year, the second year of highschool in Canada. I don't know why I'm mentioning that since I'll probably never get any overseas readers lol. I won't give away too much about myself now since I'll be mostly speaking about myself in my posts
(what a selfish bastard lol) and you'll probably learn more about me through those than any type of intro post .
My hobbies include playing the electric bass guitar, napping, sketching, reading manga and of course now, BLOGGING!

Since I have an Idea of where this blog is going to be headed towards, this will be the end of my intro post.
Where am I headed?