You step up to the platform and swallow, a gulp of nothing. Really, nothing. And as you wipe your hands over your damp pockets to check that your phone is there, a single thought comes up "How did I overcome this before?" The same event that happened last time, and the time before, just how did it pass? Inhale. You straighten your papers and exhale the breath of nothing.. Open your mouth and--- Every time I write these intro texts I feel cooler than I actually am (;: ´_ゝ`) hee~. This one describes how I feel about posting these every time, srs yo :c. Here is my 2 month (?) delayed summer post. I hope you guys remember what I did last year with the countdown story posts (my favourite is the 10th day post!!) with my unbelievable "BLOGGIN' EVERY DAY" goal. I was just a kid back then.. didn't even know of the troubles that would hit me this year (;*´Д`)ノ. The moment school ended, dragon boat competition, provincials, summer school, defeating the boss. Lol ok maybe one isn't true, but most of that happened! I actually finished summer school last week or so I'm enjoying summer's freedom in this last month of.. my YOUTH AS A 16 YEAR OLDDDDDD....... Yeah. Let's start the pic-fest.
Fuck this weather it was 4AM ;A;
Here's to the Rio Tinto Alcan Dragon Boat Festival in June..... Yay.. This was 4 days before the provincials and this was taken at 4AM ;_;;. We were the first heat(race) of the day at 8AM and had to get there really damn early to register and set up and all that shit; I don't even know.
This is what the train station looks like at 5AM. It's almost eerie how empty it is.
I'm standing at a sea bus dock hahaha it's like I'm on water.
These tents :0000
The event runs for 2 days and the first day had the shittiest weather ever and we had no tent.. We were told that we'd get one but once there we ended up taking a corner of the our coach's team's tent ._. It was a wet and crappy day.
Feel official AS FUCK YO.
Here's day 2 with our tent that we decided to occupy one sad corner of lol.
Setting up for the heat/race. Science world is beautiful.
At the end of it all we landed with a 2nd place in the youth C division! It was fun and we did great ( ´ ▽ ` )~~. Dragon boat activities are being halted until Sept. so I look forward to then!!
Best study method.
Provincials were all that were left until I could relax a bit more now.. It was studying whenever I was awake because the first exam was math and I'm so bad at math i don't even know whyyyyyyyyyy. It's ok I tried hard. Shower studying is the best way if you wanna cram anything btw. Just put the most important notes in clear sheets and put some water on the sheet to keep it on the wall. Studying tips from YOURS TRULY (*´・v・)b.
What part of this isn't stressful omg it's very stressful even the nice coloured paper doesn't make up for it.
The way everyone's lined up is nerve wracking too lol.
The other 2 provincials went like this too and I can't say which was easier because I think all of them were kinda hard ._. I did my best for the marks I got so no regrets there ye.
I visited a cactus house during this provincial time and just wanna share the pics lol hahaha
These little cacti are incredible :0. There were over 1000 of these in the greenhouse.
I also dog-sitted this summer. Hahahaha this dog is only cute when he doesn't wake you up to take him outside at 6AM ;u;.
And I went to Granville Island with my friends.
Daphne: "The seagull really looks human-like"
Corgi puppet <3<3<3
Look at all these beautiful ducks
I don't know what I was doing with my life until I saw these alpacas. August 7th, 2012. The day I went to the alpaca farm and my life was changed FOREVER. Omg omg they were sheared and so beautiful and cute there were 5 omg so wonderful I felt like my heart would stop and I would die.
This brown one was the cutest <3.
My whole family went wild and took pictures actually.
So cute so cute *Q**
They're all gathered<3~~
Right one is so handsome <3 ALPACAS IN ACTION: -
After this I don't know what else to say.. Alpacas. My life. IT'S COMPLETE <3!!!! I want to go back to the alpaca farm in winter to see them with fur though(*´・v・). Until then.. My alpaca conquest continues.
With all this said, summer isn't nearly over! And I'm not doing any countdown because I'll be going to Hong Kong NEXT WEEK WOOOOOOOOP! Weird time to go on vacation though, right? lol. My trip goes into the first day of school so I'll probably blog really late.. Like in October ;u;. But you don't care right (;;´_ゝ`;;).
Actually every time I take a picture with my phone I wonder "what will I do with this" and my guilty conscious redirects me to this blog. So it's good to dump these somewhere so I can entertain myself when I forget MY YOUTH~~~. Btw did u guys see my new chair ;).
Feel so exec yo. ( ̄ー ̄*) That's all for this post for the rest of summer probably. Kinda sad, eh? I'm gonna spend the rest of this time before my trip to marathon anime HaHAA!!! You can always check my twitter... Oh my god I'm becoming one of THOSE PEOPLE. OK. I'M SORRY FOR TAKING YOUR TIME, HAVE A GREAT SUMMER. BYE.
This movie always reminds me of summer ;_;. Artist: meron
Here we go... Again? It happens every year and we anticipate it, countdown; ripping out the pages of our past, present, only to see the futu... Stop me before I start sounding too stupid :c. But in the end when we get there we're stuck, "How did I deal with this before?" "Am I supposed to say goodbye to the seniors?" As the years past the end of the school year seems to be of more significance to my than the last, maybe because I know highschool's gonna end before I REALIZE IT (OMG) and I'll be left looking back thinking "those were the good days" (FUCK NO). Speaking normally, school ended yesterday and it felt weird.. I guess like usual. Like we go there complaining but still attending like we're obliged to for 10 months of the year and suddenly we don't have to attend..? But although school's ended nothing seems to have slowed down for me and I'll be just as busy for this week and I guess the rest of the month. I actually just wanted to post so I didn't have to for the rest of this month. I don't think it makes a difference if I just didn't post this month though ;_;. Here's a photo of the locker I used this year.
I like to collect all the newspapers that I completed the crossword/sudoku of. I threw the keyboard away after this.
I have dragon boat regattas this weekend so maybe I'll post pics or something. WEEEEE CANNNNNN DO THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
Until then I will be marathoning anime yeahhhh studying for provincials.
The passion I feel for this blog has long bloomed and faded away. Much the cherry blossoms above which was photographed back in March during spring break. Like a rich guy who's abandoned his wife now knowing he can get hotter young ladies. Or the new highschool student who once promised to visit their elementary school, but who'd want to visit that dump after seeing much better things. Yes. Maybe, maybe I've also graduated from this blog. (JK) I don't even know what I'm saying. My mood feels sorta melancholy even on such a nice day with nice weather. Maybe because it's a Sunday and tomorrow is Monday and I don't feel like doing work. Probably that and that episode of anime that has struck emotion into the depths of nothing which is my HEART </3. What am I getting all poetic for now I just sound stupid ;_;. Since this post has long reached its deadline and I'm surprised that I can still come up with strangely decent intros for these posts I might as well just go into the mountains of photos I have collected for the purpose of this silly blog ;3.
March 15: I will remember this as the time I showed up earlier than all my friends and stood around like a lost child.
March 24: The day I walked very far with my family. Why did we want to walk in the first place?! I love duck ponds.
Roof art?
Sometimes we need to stop and admire how beautiful the city you live in is. *This depends on where you live.
"Look! Canoers!!"
I really like that circular area. I like how this area is set up it looks nice to walk on.
This day was really windy and cold actually.
:'). Someone's been stealin' ideas from the internet though.
March 30: After dragon boat practice. Look at those ducks *w*!
Carnival was in town too.
April 5: So pretty so pretty.
April 7: I think I prefer cherry blossoms when they're tinted pink rather than pink-pink, yah? This was taken when the intro post pic was taken just minus the editing lol.
I like these too what were they called again uhhhhhhhhh......
April 8: I volunteered for an easter event for kids. This was before the egg hunt started I think. Fuck it was CHAOTIC.
Yeah this happened on the same day.
April 13: Dragon boat practice area. Damn that water is so BROWN.
April 19: Duck romance at the back of the school. Romance is in the air <3<3.
April 24: The start of 5 days and 4 nights that I will not forget for the rest of my highschool life but probably only remember fragments of in the farther future. I, with my English 10 incentive class and a few drama students embarked on a journey into America where we watched plays. Yeah, I think it was more exciting than I can explain here and there are lots of little stories that I can laugh about now or at least until the end of this school year, but I explain stuff badly. I'm such a boring student right? :c
This view is nice.
Poptarts in vending machines?! AMERICA!!1
11 hour bus drive had lots of field to look at.
Late that night when we reached the motel. Sharing rooms with 3 crazy schoolgirls it was a bloodbath.
April 25: Motel area. The mountains are nice eh? I wish I took pictures of the breakfasts I ate shit I ate a lot there.
Something about this frog puppet is too funny for me to describe.
Sometimes you find the craziest things at the back of stores.
In the gift shop.
First play of the trip oh!! The Marx brother's "Animal crackers"
April 26: This store had lots of brilliant things.
UHU *u*.
Stop #PONY2012
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. I died of laughter.
Tiny dog under tiny umbrella ;u;. I wasn't the only one taking pictures here.
Store full of deer <3.
Cool wall art.
April 27: 3rd play of the trip! Play that used Madea/Macbeth/Cinderella combined. Photography is prohibited in the theatre but I got away with these 2 shots. In total we watched 5 plays/musicals.
April 28: Biggest mystery of the trip. Who's pine cones were these? Why were they there? Why were they ARRANGED like that?
Even MORE mystifying! On the bus ride back the arrangement had changed...
May 4: BIIIIIG jump forward! My 16th birthday ohhhhh. Should I do some writing here? Ok (beautiful card from Daphne, thank you.)
Being 16 yay. Actually on the day I turned 16 I started getting sick and all together felt kinda bad and not in the mood to celebrate but it's ok because our mini party at school was wonderful and made me feel special inside (〃´ u`〃).
Being 16 isn't as cool as you think it is. Actually only kids under 10 and ladies in their midlife crisis would think being 16 is cool.
Cupcakes made by my friends (thank you all of you there's a big list of you, huh).
The coolest 16 year old award goes to me. No party or driver's license, I go straight to dragon boat practice.
May 5: Our first race of the season! The junior regatta was funn~ I was actually extremely scared when I found out that we were doing 1 200m and 3 500m races because we'd never done anything like 500m before and certainly not 3 of them lol. In the end we made it to the B group finals and got 3rd! I've never felt so proud for winning this bronze covered piece of chocolate that I ate just yesterday lol. It was a fair win (I swear we tied with 2nd place though >:C) and I feel closer to the team. We've still got another big race to do so until then I'll be spending my friday evenings paddling through brown water lolol.
This concludes my eventful past 2 months and earlier this month. School's gonna end soon and provincials are coming up.. Should I be more serious? I think I am a pretty SERIOUS STUDENT anyways. Serious enough to not be wasting my time on this silly blogging business more. As always, comment, like, rate, and subscribe!